Reliable Regolith Handling: A Modular, Low-Power Conveying System for Handling Abrasive Materials in Space and Lunar Environments for Handling Abrasive Materials in Space and Lunar Environments

Powder and Granular Material Handling in Lunar, Martian and Space Missions
● Conveying regolith from excavation zone to processing facility
● Conveying raw materials between vehicles, space shuttles, storage vessels
● Conveying high amount of regolith during lunar landing pad and lunar road production
● Transportation of raw materials from asteroid surface to space shuttles/storage vessels

Powder and Granular Material Handling in Test Facilities
● Filling and discharging test areas
● Loading and unloading of hoppers, silos etc.
● Tests where high/low temperature, solid-liquid mixing and
conveying are needed simultaneously
● Fine dosing applications
● Robotic rover loading, unloading

● Modular design allows limitless configurations and simple assembly.
● Suitable for reconfiguration of conveying routes for different test environments.
● 50% of the parts can be made from extraterrestrial materials.
● Reduces abrasion via rolling regolith particles instead of sliding.
● Fully-contained system prevents dust emission and component contact.
● Suitable for low or zero gravity.